If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace

If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace

John Lennon Quote

If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace; A John Lennon quote scathingly mocking the morality of economic supply and demand.

A fantastic talent whose life was cut so brutally short. He was right of course with this statement and this quote is still right today.

Peace Does Not Have a Price Tag Like Guns

The main problem is peace cannot be manufactured because it is an absence of violence and not a weaponised commodity. It does not have a price tag like rockets, guns and bombs. Peace is an ugly word to the big arms manufacturers with vast profits to chase.

Big business and governments like to sell their rockets and guns but without hostility between nations this becomes difficult so this is where the murky world of political and financial influence on the world stage comes into play, covertly of course.

The ironic thing is people in many western countries have the power to stop this but very few choose to take up the baton of supporting peace movements as they are too busy glued to television sets or their computers.

The Power Of Distraction

This is where the power of distraction works its magic and this comes in the form of entertainment. Entertainment is designed to keep your interest so you do not concentrate on the misfortunes of others in faraway lands who are on the receiving end of the rockets and bombs sold so discreetly under the guidance of your peace loving government.

This John Lennon quote was right, the power of distraction through the medium of television or computer games has deprived millions of the objectivity of thinking for themselves. After his death his message of peace continues with like minded souls agreeing with both his message and that of his wife Yoko Ono who continues to advocate peace in our time

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