Follow your dreams not the herd and witness the rise of the individual

Follow your dreams not the herd and witness the rise of the individual

Michael Joseph Quote

Follow your dreams not the herd and witness the rise of the individual, a quote meaning that you limit your ambition by following others whereas your dreams will take you down new paths with fresh ideas and different opportunities.

If you follow the crowd you will only ever get as far as the crowd, the truly ambitious know this and take their own journey that ultimately decides their own destiny.

Herd mentality is natural to most of us but the ability to use critical thinking and break away from the herd is a skill that is learnt through the trials and tribulations of life.

Successful entrepreneurs are good at this and if they can combine this with an idea that will solve problems for people then they are on the path to a successful enterprise.

Some people use their individuality to differentiate themselves from the crowd especially when they are young.

As years go by most conform to the norms of society but there are still many who remain curious enough to explore beyond their mental borders onto paths never been trodden in search of their own destiny.

Some do this from a position of conformity in their 9 to 5 job, just plotting and planning executing their life dream, this method has its advantages because you can build up some savings to soothe the passage to fulfilling your dream.

Many people use their usual commute to work, walking up the same stairs or escalator and think 'do I want to be doing this every day for the next 20 or 30 years'? The human mind is complex but needs sometimes needs coaxing for the right path to take.

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