Two things are infinite the universe and human stupidity only I'm not sure about the universe

Two things are infinite the universe and human stupidity only I'm not sure about the universe

Albert Einstein Quote

Two things are infinite the universe and human stupidity only I'm not sure about the universe, a quote meaning our understanding of the universe is miniscule whilst we are certain of human stupidity.

I love Albert Einstein quotes and this one was vintage Albert at his scornful best telling it as it is, way to go Albert.

Human stupidity has many facets though and when a mix of agenda driven intentions and ideologies are combined it can and has proven, historically speaking, to be catastrophic for the eventual victims of such acts.

On a more basic level human stupidity can be quantified by an inability to listen or see any benefit in analysing an opposing view.

Humans are always looking for answers and if the answer fits with their way of thinking they are happy to stop looking whether they are in fact right or wrong.

It is the same with reasoning, humans are always looking for reasons why things have happened and when they find a reason that again fits in nicely with their opinion they are satisfied because this gives them a motive to act upon, thus fuelling the law of ignorant stupidity.

Stupidities Ally Is Certainty

Human stupidity has an ally in certainty, every time someone believes they are certain of something it seems fate deals a killer blow to the idea or notion.

The only things that can be positively said are certain are things that can be mathematically or scientifically proven, everything else is theory.

While its ally is certainty it has a rival in Absurdity.

Human Absurdity

There is another alternative to human stupidity and that is human absurdity which each and everyone of us seems to meet on every day our lives. It's not possible to go beyond an infinite measure but I chuckle when I think that human absurdity would get there before its arch rival.

People place a lot of value on what we do know in an effort to find meaning to life, death and the universe, but the vast domain of the unknown dwarfs what little knowledge humankind has garnered so far rendering most philosophies and the schools of thought of learned man rather short changed.

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