The Truth Wall
A poem about Donald Trump and the politics of distraction

The Truth Wall
Politics is a game, it's not full of grace
The grubbier the better and ne'er a clean race
I don't like your facts or your clean living style
Join my gutter talk and I'll spank your smart guile
I will build a great wall to hide your great truth
I will build a great wall to stop the uncouth
I will build a great wall and you'll pay for it too
I will build a great wall to distract them from you
Beware the envoy with a message of peace
Let's spin the narrative to a press release
Build the propaganda we must be quick
We'll build in the media brick by brick
Conflict's our export, keeps GDP high
We'll build 'round the truth 'til unseen by the eye
Regime change's a must but lets make it last
Atop each truth wall we plant our flag mast
I will build a great wall to hide your great truth
I will build a great wall to stop the uncouth
I will build a great wall and you'll pay for it too
I will build a great wall to distract them from you
Beware the immigrant he not look for a job
A tax payers burden he'll come here to rob
Beware the benevolent for he cannot see
Your foe at the gate, he'll give him the key
Beware the oil state who don't do the dollar
We'll export some terror disguised as white collar
A cool million per bomb our cause is just just!
While your medicare system is all going bust
I will build a great wall to hide your great truth
I will build a great wall to stop the uncouth
I will build a great wall and you'll pay for it too
I will build a great wall to distract them from you
I look in the mirror and smile when I see
Complaints from my haters staring at me
If fate had a conscience, you'll be happy to know
I'd tax it to death and smile at the show
No matter what truth does, I'll outwit all
I'm just a distraction and so is my wall
It's built in your mind to occupy thought
In my web of intrigue where you've been caught
For further reading about this larger than life character that some people love and some people loathe then you can visit the Donald Trump quotes page where you can read Michael Joseph's mini bio about the man himself where we have also published his 15 best one liners