- Mini Bio
- Name: Francisco de Paula Santander
- Born: 2nd April 1792, Rosario de Cúcuta, New Granada (present-day Colombia)
- Died: 6th March 1840, Santa Fe de Bogotá, Cundinamarca, Republic of New Granada (present-day Colombia)
- Alma mater: Colegio Mayor de San Bartolomé Universidad santo Tomás
- Occupation: Freedom fighter, president and statesman
- Nationality: Neogranadine
- Political party: Federalist
- Nickname: The Man Of Laws
- Legacy: The longstanding political system of democracy in Colombia has been maintained largely by the foundation of law and order that was built by Santander
- Personal life: He was married to Sixta Tulia Pontón y Piedrahita who bore him one child Francisco de Paula Jesús Bartolomé
"Colombians: Weapons have given us independence. The law will make us free"
Francisco de Paula Santander"I was with General Lafayette, invited by him to discuss reconciliation with Bolívar. I explained to him the origin and the development of our enmity, the persecution I suffered, the outrages, and my unjust condemnation"
Francisco de Paula Santander"When Calhoun was talking about Bolívar, he asked me if he had a passion for money. I answered no, because his two dominant passions were: glory and power"
Francisco de Paula Santander"I heard of Bolívar’s new farce in Bogotá in April and read some public documents from Bogotá"
Francisco de Paula Santander"Today I read in the journal du commerce of February 21st the death of Bolivar, happened near Santa Marta on December 17th, 1830. Loss for independence"
Francisco de Paula Santander"My philosophy makes me live happy with the assurance that public testimony and my conscience persuade that I have tried to fill my duties"
Francisco de Paula Santander"The last day of my life will be the first in which New Granada will not see me occupied with its independence, its honor and its freedoms"
Francisco de Paula Santander"I have not fought fourteen years against Ferdinand VII to now have a king named Simon"
Francisco de Paula Santander"I want citizens with republican values and moderate fortunes"
Francisco de Paula Santander"Citizens of Cúcuta, forge the destinies of the Republic"
Francisco de Paula Santander"Moderation, tolerance and justice rule the heart and disarm discontent"
Francisco de Paula Santander"Colombians have given you independence, but only the laws will give you freedom"
Francisco de Paula Santander"The sword of the liberators must, from now on, be subject to the laws of the Republic"
Francisco de Paula Santander"Bolívar was vindictive and proud"
Francisco de Paula Santander
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Francisco de Paula Santander Biography
In 1810 a young law student named Francisco de Paula Santander was inspired to forego his studies and join the independence movement in South America. His first taste was sweet and then sour as the Spanish eventually crushed the rebellion in 1816.
Eluding capture he joined forces with Simon Bolivar where his education, leadership and common sense approach to problem solving soon saw him climbing the rebel ranks as they fought to free New Granada. After gaining a decisive victory at the Battle of Boyacá in 1819 Bolivar rewarded Santander a promotion to General and soon after he was made vice president of the Republic of Colombia where he served from 1821 until 1827.
Although Bolivar was the president he was too busy driving the colonial armies out of the southern part of South America to actively take the presidential reins so this duty lay with Santander. Upon the presidential return of Bolivar it was obvious that he and Santander did not see eye to eye politically leading the president to assume a role more akin to a dictator and sidelining his once friend.
They were once allies but Santander became a political opponent of Simón Bolívar. Their policy disagreements grew ever larger. The political chasm between the two leaders seemed irreparable. Francisco resented his government being undermined by the president.
In 1828 an assassination attempt on Bolivar failed and subsequently Santander was arrested, tried and sentenced to death, which was later changed to exile. During his exile Francisco travelled around Europe learning the political mechanisms of France, Holland, England and Belgium, he was influenced by the enlightenment movement and this exile was to serve him well in later years.
After the death of Simon Bolivar, Gran Colombia disintegrated and Francisco returned to triumphantly become the President of the Republic of New Granada from 1832 to 1836.
When statesmen talk the people listen and from their speeches come some great one liners so here is my compilation of 14 of the best Francisco de Paula Santander quotes
Quotes About Francisco de Paula Santander
The author Iván A. Castro described him as: "The first Hispanic American leader to follow caudillos (military leaders) and install them as heads of government"
Marco Palacios, a Professor of Latin American History at El Colegio de Mexico said this of him: "He was responsible for constructing the rule of law in Colombia"