- Mini Bio
- Name: Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta
- Born: 26th October 1961, Nairobi, Kenya Colony
- Occupation: Politician, president and statesman
- Alma mater: Amherst College
- Political party: Jubilee Party of Kenya
- Political dynasty: He is the son of Jomo Kenyatta who is the founding father of present day Kenya and its first president
- Controversy: Kenyatta was hauled up before the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague on charges of alleged involvement in the post 2007 election violence that saw 1300 Kenyans lose their lives. The charges were subsequently dropped due to lack of evidence
- Ethnic group: His family and ancestors are from the Kikuyu which is a Bantu ethnic group
- Nickname: "Kamwana" which means young one, as he is the youngest Kenyan president to be elected
- Trivia: The name Uhuru is derived from the Swahili term for freedom and he was given this name during the approach to the long anticipated liberation which eventually occurred on 12th December 1963
"We need to appreciate that we can have different shades of opinion"
Uhuru Kenyatta"I assure you again that under my leadership, Kenya will strive to uphold our international obligations, so long as these are founded on the well-established principles of mutual respect and reciprocity"
Uhuru Kenyatta"Global challenges call for global responses. Waste, although produced locally is impacting negatively on land and marine life. Globalization of the local and localisation of the global is our new normal"
Uhuru Kenyatta"Fellow Kenyans, let us today commit ourselves anew to promoting peace, embracing those who are different from us, whether by ethnicity, race, or religion"
Uhuru Kenyatta"I must balance between short-term pain and long-term gain. We have a country to transform, and we must make bold decisions to achieve our vision"
Uhuru Kenyatta"We do not champion the cause of youth opportunity and hope as a favour, but rather as the necessary, undeniable, embrace of our collective future"
Uhuru Kenyatta"I am convinced the days of reckless corruption in this country are numbered. Even now, history is drawing a line in the sand"
Uhuru Kenyatta"Consider whether you will fight on the right side when the rule of integrity is finally realised"
Uhuru Kenyatta"As large parts of the world age, Africa grows younger by the day"
Uhuru Kenyatta"This country, this continent, does not claim perfection,?but we can claim progress"
Uhuru Kenyatta"Gone are the days when the only lens to view our continent was one of despair and indignity"
Uhuru Kenyatta"Africa is the world’s newest and most promising frontier of limitless opportunity"
Uhuru Kenyatta"The only thing we know about the future is that it will be different"
Uhuru Kenyatta"If Kenya is a hotbed, it is a hotbed of entrepreneurs, a hotbed of positive zeal and energy"
Uhuru Kenyatta"I will not relent on the war against Corruption"
Uhuru Kenyatta
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Uhuru Kenyatta Biography
Uhuru Kenyatta hails from a political dynasty courtesy of the struggle for independence that saw Jomo Kenyatta being the father of not just Uhuru but of also present day Kenya and its first president of the newly formed republic in December 1963.
Politics aside the Kenyatta family also rule a business empire including farmlands, airlines, banks, media outlets and a chain of five star hotels and Uhuru has been named in Forbes as in the top fifty richest people in Africa.
Kenyatta came to power by winning the 2013 election branding himself as the digital candidate as he told the nation they needed to hand power over to the digital generation as he called his main opponent Raila Odinga an analogue politician in reference to his then age of 72.
Uhuru also accused Odinga as being a puppet of foreign governments by doing their bidding with the ICC. His disdain for the ICC centred around trumped up charges to discredit him and Uhuru Kenyatta was quoted as calling the ICC: "a toy of declining imperial powers"
for their inept prosecution attempt.
After being elected Kenyatta lived up to his digital president remarks with his exuberant social media activity on Twitter and Facebook where he has millions of followers on both platforms. Uhuru's popularity rose through his first term in office and he won a comfortable re-election in 2017 to consolidate his position holding the Kenyan reins of power.
His powerful speeches are statesman like giving his words extra meaning, he is good for a one liner on Twitter also. So here is my compilation of 15 of the best Uhuru Kenyatta quotes
Quotes About Uhuru Kenyatta
President Donald Trump spoke of a state visit: "Melania and I were honored to welcome the President of the Republic of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta and Mrs. Margaret Kenyatta to the White House today"
David Murathe was quoted as saying about him: "His legacy is to leave behind a united country. He cannot do that without the Building Bridges initiative, inclusion of all the communities, discipline, law and order and the fight against corruption"
The Kenyan economist David Ndii felt his finger on the pulse of the nation: "I was at a social gathering in Kiambu recently where the dismay and disillusionment with Uhuru Kenyatta hovered over the otherwise succulent goat ribs and aged single malts like the smell of stale beer"