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Robert Mugabe Quotes

Robert Mugabe
  • Mini Bio
  • Name: Robert Gabriel Mugabe
  • Born: 21st February 1924, Kutama, Southern Rhodesia
  • Died: 6th September 2019, Gleneagles Hospital, Singapore
  • Alma mater: University of Fort Hare, University of South Africa and University of London
  • Occupation: Revolutionary, politician, prime minister and president
  • Political prisoner: In 1964 Mugabe was sentenced to 21 months imprisonment and during his trial he refused to retract the subversive statements he was accused of making, he spent 10 years in jail until his release in 1974 after external pressure on the Salisbury administration
  • Independence speech: Upon gaining independence from Great Britain Mugabe won the subsequent election and immediately renamed Rhodesia to Zimbabwe after the medieval city of Great Zimbabwe that was oldest large stone structure city in southern Africa and the capital of the old Kingdom of Zimbabwe
  • Bizarre facts: In the year 2000 he started the land reclamation program from white farmers that resulted in a famine and economic hardship for his own people
  • Marriage resume: Sally Hayfron 1961 until her death in 1992 and Grace Marufu 1996 until the present day
  • Trivia: During much of Mugabe's first decade in power the west conveniently overlooked the atrocities he was responsible for including the massacre of over 20,000 black Ndebele civilians in the Gukurakundi in 1983 which was the home of his only real opposition party in Zimbabwe

"South Africans will kick down a statue of a dead white man but won’t even attempt to slap a live one"

Robert Mugabe

"We are still exchanging blows with the British government. They are using gay gangsters. Each time I pass through London, the gangster regime of Blair expresses its dismay"

Robert Mugabe

"I will never, never, never, never surrender. Zimbabwe is mine. I am a Zimbabwean. Zimbabwe for Zimbabweans. Zimbabwe never for the British"

Robert Mugabe

"It was from Tito that I drew inspiration while searching for the best road to take and when making crucial decisions during our liberation struggle"

Robert Mugabe

"The land is ours, we give it to who we please, it's not the business of Britain to tell us who to give land and who not"

Robert Mugabe

"Outside South Africa, what country is [as good as] Zimbabwe? … What is lacking now are goods on the shelves - that is all"

Robert Mugabe

"Our votes must go together with our guns. After all, any vote we shall have, shall have been the product of the gun"

Robert Mugabe

"The country is full of beautiful women. If you cant get one, come to Mugabe for assistance"

Robert Mugabe

"The gun which produces the vote should remain its security officer - its guarantor"

Robert Mugabe

"Only God who appointed me will remove me"

Robert Mugabe

"Our party must continue to strike fear in the heart of the white man, our real enemy"

Robert Mugabe

"The white man is not indigenous to Africa. Africa is for Africans. Zimbabwe is for Zimbabweans"

Robert Mugabe

"The Commonwealth is a mere club, but it has become like an 'Animal Farm' where some members are more equal than others"

Robert Mugabe

"The land is ours. It's not European and we have taken it, we have given it to the rightful people"

Robert Mugabe

"We don't mind having sanctions banning us from Europe. We are not Europeans"

Robert Mugabe

"The white man is here as a second citizen. The only man you can trust is a dead white man"

Robert Mugabe

"Stay with us, please remain in this country and constitute a nation based on national unity"

Robert Mugabe

"What we hate is not the colour of their skins but the evil that emanates from them"

Robert Mugabe

"Africa must revert to what it was before the imperialists divided it"

Robert Mugabe

"It may be necessary to use methods other than constitutional ones"

Robert Mugabe
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Robert Mugabe Biography

Robert Mugabe was the African revolutionary whose determination, education and self sacrifice was to propel him to be at the forefront of the liberation of his country which was then called Rhodesia to the new black hope of the African continent as he renamed the country to Zimbabwe during his election winning speech in 1980.

The whole world applauded in admiration of the man who endured all the hardships the minority white Rhodesian regime had inflicted on him and his fellow independence fighters in ZANU and ZAPU of which he was a member of both during their time of struggle.

When Mugabe was elected his ZANU (Zimbabwe African People's Union) were in power and little did the world know that Mugabe had already decided to stay in power for a long time and was carrying out atrocities against the people in his only opposition in the ZAPU (Zimbabwe African People's Union) whilst the world powers turned a blind eye fearful that Mugabe might turn on the white minorities of Zimbabwe who still ruled the economy and whose produce could (if directed to) feed the whole African continent.

First he turned on his political opponents and no one spoke out against him, then he turned against his light skinned farm owners and mine owners and all of a sudden the world was outraged at the atrocities committed by this African revolutionary turned tyrannical tinpot dictator. It was a strategy straight out of the Idi Amin book of diabolical dictatorial decision making as the economic fallout of this populist but ultimately disastrous policy is Mugabe's inescapable legacy that sees him condemned for turning Zimbabwe, formerly known as the bread basket of Africa, into the basket case of Africa.

Robert Mugabe earned seven degrees during his lifetime and a host of honorary degrees with many of the honorary's being revoked because of the alleged harshness of his regime. For all his education, he was no where near on the scale of statesman that Nelson Mandela had attained and this proved to be a source of irritation for the Zimbabwean dictator.

It did not go unnoticed and the world renowned journalist Christopher Hitchens was quoted as saying about him; "I believe that Mugabe was … driven into a permanent rage by the adulation heaped internationally on Nelson Mandela, an accolade of praise and recognition that he felt was more properly due to himself".

High academic achievement means nothing if you cannot grasp the fundamental human rights of all your citizens regardless of political allegiance and skin tone, this will always see Mandela rise into the stratosphere of the worlds best statesmen while Mugabes' legacy will have to endure the column inches of criticism his regime so dearly deserves.

In 1994 the Queen of England bestowed a knighthood upon Mugabe that was ultimately stripped from him in 2008 when his extreme actions towards members of his opposition became intolerable.

Putting aside whether he was mad or bad he was always good for a one liner, so this is my compilation of 20 of the best Robert Mugabe quotes

Quotes About Robert Mugabe

Lord Carrington said of him: "Mugabe wasn't human at all. You couldn't warm to him as a person. You could admire his skills and intellect and so on, but he was an awfully slippery sort of person, reptilian, as I say"

The former Rhodesia Prime Minister Ian Smith summed him up thus: "He was a very clever bloke and he worked with me for as long as he thought it was going to help him. Once again, it was just to keep himself in power. I give that answer to all questions about Mugabe because that is all there is to it. Everything he has ever done is about keeping himself in power: Dictators and fascists all over the world think like that"

The Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta paid this tribute: "We will remember former President Mugabe as a man of courage who was never afraid to fight for what he believed in even when it was not popular"

The African analyst Brett Schaefer gave this assessment: "Mugabe was one of the most consequential of Africa's post-colonial leaders. He remains highly regarded by many for his leadership role in the insurgency against white minority rule. But the violence and chaos resulting from his struggle to hold on to power led to thousands of deaths, millions of refugees and economic impoverishment. Mugabe's legacy will forever be stained by his destructive and murderous acts"

The South African diplomat Tom Wheeler made this observation: "Getting rid of white farmers was one of his biggest mistakes - it led to sanctions and economic collapse. It was catastrophic. The people couldn't feed themselves any more, while Mugabe's inner circle was high on the hog"

The American diplomat John Campbell did not hold back: "The way he ran roughshod over the rule of law was an unmitigated disaster"

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